Russian ASAT test 2021
On 15 November EST Russia possibly carried out an ASAT test. The debris of the unconfirmed ASAT test made it a hazardous situation for astronauts in international space station (ISS) and ISS itself. Russia thus joins China, USA and India in carrying out ASAT test. Just like each of the earlier instances of ASAT test by China, USA and India, the ASAT test by Russia is irresponsible and violative of Article 1 and IX of Outer Space Treaty 1967. In future, we may also see Liability Convention 1972 being triggered, if damage is proven by a debris caused by the ASAT test. Not to mention, 2007 Chinese ASAT test increased the number of debris in outer space manifold, which still continue to orbit and threaten the operational space assets. This illustrates how a single ASAT test can affect space safety for years to come. It is perhaps time to condemn ASAT tests in general. Such tests may be relevant for a State to portray its power and prestige but let us not forget the old adage : an eye ...